14 October 2009

Colossians 3:11

(written 10/8/09)

It doesn't matter where you've come from or who you are. It only matters that you love Jesus and desire to be like Him. He is a commonality fro believers. The followers of Christ are at every corner of the world, but we all serve the same God. He brings us together.

07 October 2009

new series. introduction.

so, I'm going to start a new series of posts.
I'm going to pick a verse for each post and write a mini-sermon on it.

opening verse: Matthew 6:21

Don't set your heart on earthly junk. Don't depend on things that will rust or decay. Trust in the Eternal God. He made the world and everything in it, and He can take it away in the blink of an eye. But He will remain. He is beyond human comprehension and definition. Make Him your treasure. Long only for Him. Seek him first, and He'll give you what you need. He works things out for the good of those who love him.

good night.

(tomorrow: Colossians 3:11)