12 May 2012

Biology and Baking (Week One Recap)

So, it's Friday night.
Technically, it's Saturday morning.
I'm sitting in my living room with Amber, watching "Notting Hill."
A year ago I was in Oxford, struggling to sleep because I was adjusting to a new time zone, new bed, new everything.
I want very little more than to be back there right now.

Living in this apartment is wonderful.
The others living here are fantastic, I can walk to campus (because my bike is driving my crazy), and I have no cat allergy issues unless I spend too much time on the couches.
It's just great.

We had our first test of three today.
I'm pretty sure I got a B.
And then we watched "Brave New World."
As a lover of the book, I was not a fan of the movie.
Just some weird interpretations of characters and relationships.

12 hours ago, I made the chai latte cupcakes.
The non-vegan version.
They taste fine, but a little dense.
And I failed miserably on the frosting.
But that can be easily remedied.

Two more weeks of class.
One more week until I get a car (and see my brother and sister-in-law!).
Four weeks until a day of freaking out about how people will like the cupcakes.

That's pretty much the update here.
Now I really need to go to bed.

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