27 August 2012

The First Post About Life In Shupe

I'm sitting at my desk in Shupe 314.
I'm still working on conquering the clutter that is my part of the room.
My trunk is already full of stuff that's going home with me in a few weeks, and there's still more here in the room.

I moved in on Friday morning and very quickly discovered that I had brought WAY too much stuff.
I always do, and I've gotten used to having more space (living in Eby and the apartment this summer ruined me for dorm room life).
I spent most of Friday afternoon and Saturday working on condensing, and then yesterday everyone was in Chicago so I was able to work without bothering anyone.
I still need to figure out what I'm doing about my desk, and I probably need to bring in my third metal cabinet from my car so I have a place to put my food.

It's been hot this weekend, and the building doesn't have air conditioning.
That hasn't been much fun.
But it's pretty much my only complaint about living here right now.
I'm sure there will be other frustrations in the coming weeks, but we're not going to let them go unresolved, so I'm not too worried.

I'm loving these first few days.
Saturday night we came back from the ice cream social and the RAs were still cleaning in the DC.
Stephanie and I were the "grown ups" here to answer questions.
We ended up sitting in the hallway with a few girls from our floor just talking about life at Bethel.
I told them to not even think about dating for at least the first few weeks, but probably the first year.
We talked about how Orientation is like summer camp, but that reality will set in as soon as classes start.
We talked about Shupe Shopping and boys serenading us during the first week of our freshman year.

It was a great start to those kinds of conversations.

Then last night we played Apples to Apples for a couple hours.
That game is so perfect for this time of the year.

I think we have a great group of girls here in Shupe this year.
And I know we have a great team of RAs.

I don't have much more to report, because Orientation is a busy time.

Now I'm going to straighten my hair, just because I can.

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