15 January 2013

Independent Study: Introduction

In November, on a short trip to Chicago to pick up my brother and sister-in-law's dog, my dad and I were talking about the upcoming semester. I listed the classes I was taking and expressed concern at only having 13 credit hours. True, with Modern Philosophy with Dr. Meister and Romans with Dr. McCabe, they weren't 13 easy hours, but I've always gotten by on minimum requirements and I don't want that to be the way I finish college. I want to really be challenged.

Dad asked me what I wanted to learn this semester, and who I wanted to learn from. I had no idea how to answer the first question, but the second was easy. For the past couple of years I've wanted to take a class with Dr. Terry Linhart. He and Dad have become friends and through that he and I have gotten to know each other a little bit. The thing is, he doesn't teach classes that I'm interested in taking. And he decided not to teach the class that I had registered for with him last spring.

Dad and I came to the conclusion that I should come up with an Independent Study, and ask Terry to be the advisor.
But what should I study?
My father, in his great wisdom, had an answer to that, too: Nehemiah.
That's right. The book of Nehemiah. From the Old Testament. The story of a cupbearer who got the people to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem in 52 days.
Dad has been studying Nehemiah in-depth since July 2012 and he has slowly come to the conclusion that the end result will be a book. He's writing and re-writing and having conversations with Nehemiah and it is so cool to hear him talk about what he is learning.

But what does that have to do with me?
I'm spending the semester editing for grammar and for content, adding footnotes, and formatting the text so it's ready to publish for Kindles. I'll be meeting with Terry a couple times a month, posting here about my progress each week, reading books on editing and publishing, studying Nehemiah, and learning about doing a great work.

I'm excited to dive into this project, and I hope that you will join me on this journey. If nothing else, go read Nehemiah sometime this week. It's an amazing story in the history of the people of Israel, and I can't wait to learn more about it.

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