18 February 2010

breakfast with Carl Orff

I'm listening to Carl Orff's Carmina Burana as I sit at my little table.
I have to keep myself from laughing out loud at the man's creativity (and the humor of the text: it's pretty much about drinking and sex),
it's the recording from 2006 when Heartland Chamber Chorale, the South Bend Chamber Singers, and the Fort Wayne Children's Choir collaborated to perform the work at various venues around Northern Indiana.
(I was in the Children's Choir.)
Since I don't have any homework that I need to be doing right now, I'm reading the translation.
from "Floret silva nobilis:"

Ubi est antiquusWhere is the lover
meus amicus?I knew? Ah!
Hinc equitavit,He has ridden off!
eia, quis me amabit?Oh! Who will love me? Ah!
Because I've always had the German/Latin text in front of me, I've never really paid any attention to the translation and how the music helps to paint the picture.
In this section of the song, the women sing the first two lines, then the music changes and sounds like a riding song as the men sing "Hinc, hinc, hinc...equitavit...tavit, tavit..." and fade out. Like the lover riding off.
Then the women come back in, clearly distraught.

I had never noticed that.

I am falling in love with this work all over again.

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