16 August 2011

"Something you'd like to learn."

Real love.
Unconditional love.

Because I can't really know it.
I can't really understand it.
I simply can't comprehend what it means to love without condition.

At some point, something's gotta give.
That's part of being human.

I can say that I love the sinner and hate the sin, but a part of me, deep down, knows that that is not entirely true.

I wish my heart wasn't so full of judgment and condemnation.
I wish that I could be more like God when it comes to love.
Yes, I believe that God judges. But He is the only One who has that power and authority.
I can point out when behavior is inconsistent with the teaching of Scripture.
But I don't get to decide Eternity for anyone else.

Too bad I won't every truly learn this.

But I'm thankful that it's how God loves me.

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