28 July 2012

#Czech2012: Part Three: Post-Camp Crash

I'm lying in my bed for the night in Kyjov, Czech Republic.

I have no English words to give, and the Czech words I know won't make sense.

The sounds of Metal Fest are drifting through the open windows.
And I use "drifting" very loosely.
It's the sound of angry vomiting.

I can't write about camp yet.
I need to process.
And remember how to write complex sentences with big words.

That's English Camp.

I had an amazing time this week and have gotten to know some people I will never forget.
I am so thankful that God called me to this country for these two weeks, and possibly for three months next summer.
(Yeah, you read that correctly. We'll see.)

I'll write when we get to Prague on Monday.

Good night.
Dobrou s kobrou.
(That's my favorite Czech phrase. Translate it and be confused.)

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