19 July 2012

#Czech2012: Part Two: Training.

We landed in Prague less than 24 hours after leaving Granger, but it felt like it had been about a week.
We were completely ready for bed.
Unfortunately, we didn't have that option.

We landed around 6:30 and were ready to leave the airport by 7. However, a misunderstanding/miscommunication led to about half an hour of waiting for our ride, who was waiting for us a hundred feet away.
Note to future travelers: When talking about which terminal you will meet in, clarify whether you mean Arrivals or Departures. It will make all the difference.
When we finally met up with our driver, we loaded into a van and started the last leg of the first part of our journey.
I couldn't tell you how long it actually took, because I kept falling asleep.
I can tell you that we stopped twice: once for gas and once at a Tesco.

I love Tesco stores. This once was like a Walmart Supercenter. I was in heaven.
We really just needed some snacks, and it could have been a quick trip, but we wandered the aisles for at least 20 minutes.
I found Fruit and Fibre cereal, which I think I'll eat for breakfast tomorrow. And I'll bring some home for the days I'm feeling especially nostalgic.
(Fruit and Fibre is a cereal I had for breakfast in England on the one day I didn't eat Crunchy Nut. It is delicious.)

We finally arrived at the hotel at 1am. Our intern team (except Melanie) and Czech team stayed up to welcome us and give us our keys. They were nice enough, but I think they were very much ready for bed.

I'm sitting in our room right now. The five of us girls are together, and the guys are sharing with four others.
I'm writing without internet, because the connection only works in the public areas downstairs.
I think everyone else is down playing volleyball. I'll join them when I'm done here, providing it doesn't start raining again.

Training is going well, I suppose. I'm feeling the effects of jet lag combined with a lack of alone time, so it's difficult to judge how effectively I'm learning. But relationships within our team seem to be strengthening, and we're getting to know the others on our team.

We came into this trip thinking that we would be in Zabreh for camp. Not true. I don't remember what the village is called.
We thought that our team would be responsible for teaching lessons to large classes. Not true. We'll each team up with an intern as an assistant teacher. I think one of us will be a lead teacher.
I think those are the only major curve balls, but we can be flexible and we have plenty of time to prepare.
God is good and He is faithful. He has called us to this place and He will give us strength.

Training continues through noon tomorrow, and then we either climb into a van or hop on a train to camp.
Please be praying for safety as we travel, for peace and wisdom as we prepare for camp, and for sustained energy through the next few days.

I'm not sure what the internet situation will be at camp, but it sounds like it's not a very modern city.
I don't know that I'll have much more to post later tonight or tomorrow, so this could be my last update until camp is over.
But you can bet on me journaling and sharing portions of those rambling thoughts.

Love from somewhere in Moravia.
(Malenovice, maybe? Which looked like Malevolence the first time I saw it. Hotel Malenovice. Read that incorrectly and it's a little frightening.)

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