14 July 2012

This one time, I missed a phone call.

I was loading up the car on Tuesday to move home.
I had just texted my dad (it was his birthday), set down the phone, and carried a load up to the garage.

When I came back down I saw that I had missed a call from Janelle, RD of Tuckey Hall, Director of Service Learning, and my mentor and friend for the past two years.
I listened to her voicemail, and she said that she had a question for me.
Because I was trying to get on the road, I had to wait to call her back.
When we finally connected, she said that the RAs on third floor Shupe didn't have roommates yet.
Stephanie and I were without additional roommates, so we'd probably end up thrown into a house in Perimeter with people we didn't know.
That didn't sound very appealing.
The Residence Staff thought we might be interested in splitting up to fill the half-empty rooms in Shupe.

The thing is, living in Shupe has never sounded appealing, either.
It isn't air conditioned, it's full of freshmen, it's full of freshman GIRLS, the kitchen space is limited, there's no elevator, it's old, there have been mice and a variety of bugs, blah blah blah.
And then there's the fact that Shupe Shopping was taken pretty seriously last year.

I'm pretty sure Janelle knows this.
But there we were, on the phone, talking about the possibility of me spending my senior year of college in the freshman dorm I had been able to avoid for three years.

And I was open to the idea.

But I needed to talk to Stephanie, and I wasn't sure she'd feel the same way.

I texted her when I got home, and within a few minutes we were pretty sure that our plans to be roommates were over and we were going to embark on this adventure.
The decision became official a few hours ago, and I'm guessing our housing assignments that are online will change in a few days.

Here's why I'm pumped about this:
1. I will finally get the "Shupe Experience," so I'll have some idea of what people are talking about. But I'll be older, and more wise in the ways of college life.
2. I have been looking for a ministry opportunity since I decided/realized that it was time to leave Grace Church. How convenient is it that my neighbors will likely be searching, hurting, in need of prayer/advice/a shoulder to cry on at some point during the year? I suppose "convenient" isn't really the word to use when I know that God is working.
3. I will be forced to simplify my life to live in a dorm again, something my mother has been wanting me to do for as long as I can remember.
4. I need to exercise faith more often. I have it, and I talk about it often, but it doesn't usually manifest like this. So, here's me having a little--or a lot of--faith.

Here's what I think this will mean for my life:
1. The "Life at Bethel" tag will make a comeback.
2. Stephanie and I will be producing a vlog.
3. My interaction with males is going to increase, but my interaction with males my age will take a hit. I'm not digging this part.
4. I'm going to learn about my future and what God made me for.
5. It's going to be a wild, fun, stressful adventure of a senior year of college.

(Katie and Becca, if this is news to you, surprise! But I'm hoping you were consulted, just in case you hate us and are horrified at the thought of living with us.)


lionchase11 said...

Well, Becca may or may not be aware... she's working with the Starfish Project in China, if you didn't know. I hope that it's a good experience for you :)

Amy said...

Proud of you for listening and trusting, Hope...that's how we grow (which I don't need to tell you). May you have an awesome, above-all-you-could-ask-or-think experience in Shupe.