29 March 2010

birthdays and facebook.

My birthday is a week from tomorrow
And I keep forgetting about it.

No one is around to remind me of it, so there isn't the excitement that there usually is.
I won't be with my family on my birthday this year.
I probably won't even be on the same continent as my family next year.

For some people, this is normal.
For me, it's one more first of college life.
I don't think I like the number of things that I have to get used to.
And then it will all change again.

I don't like that facebook is the way we know about people's birthdays anymore.
I remember the days when we actually had to remember these details about our friends' lives.
But facebook cannot be trusted. Rather, tricky facebook users cannot always be trusted.
People enter incorrect birthdays all the time.
I've been engaged on facebook more than once, and it was "complicated" with a friend of mine over the summer.
Some of our friends actually thought we were together.

I hate facebook. I don't like what it has become.
I don't like that anyone with an e-mail address can join.
I don't like that fan pages exist for everything under the sun.
There are fan pages about hating fan pages. Come on. Really?
I have been on facebook once in the past week, and only then because I thought I might have gotten an important message.
Yes, I have missed birthdays, and I apologize for that.
But I remembered birthdays, too.
Because I cared enough, because I was reminded, because it mattered.

I have eight days left of being 18.
Then I enter two years of awkward, in-between ages.
19 is the age of high school sophomores' too-old boyfriends.
20 is just weird.
But I'll be stuck with them.

And now it's time to go to Logic class.
What a joyous moment.

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