16 January 2010

jazz: I prefer the concept over the actual music.

it's all about interpretation and improvisation.
creativity and expression.
I'm really impressed when I hear a talented jazz musician.
but I don't really enjoy listening to improvisational jazz.

the idea, though, is wonderful.
making music out of notes and chords that somehow fit together in a way that makes sense.

one night last semester, while I was still in my prob&stats class, my dad told me that he was praying that God would help me understand the order He created in the universe that is revealed by math.

music kinda reveals order, too. eh, don't ask me about that one. I don't remember a lot about what I've heard about it. but believe me, it's true.
something about what I was talking about with everything fitting together in a certain way.

music, math, order.
God is incredible.
He created everything to work together.
and, yeah, sometimes we mess it up. okay, a lot of times we mess it up.

but the thing about jazz is, it can be fixed. a jazz master can make a bad note sound good.
yes, the bad note still happened, but Someone can make it work, can make it better.

and that's amazing.

so, I don't really like listening to improvisational jazz.
but to think that someone can understand the way music works, the way notes and chords work together...
it boggles my mind. and it's so great.

to the jazz musicians of the world, keep it up. I'm amazed by what you do, even if I don't want to listen to it.


crazytalk05 said...

I think your dad learned to pray about people understanding math and logic and order from trying to teach me algebra a really, really long time ago ;-)

Katrina said...

this weekend I went to chicago and I went tot this legit little jazz pub. I have also decided that jazz music in and of itself is not my favorite, but in this atmosphere where the music transcends all else. The passion of the musicians and how they feel the music, how they become one with the music is something most extrodinary...
you have good thoughts, keep it up ;)