03 January 2010

Owl City.

this goes out to everyone who "LOVES Owl City" after only hearing "Fireflies."

please, people, Owl City is pretty much one guy. did you know that?

also, did you know that he's been around for more than six months? yeah, his first album came out in 2007.

another thing, his songs start to sound the same after a while. they're still pretty good, there's just not a whole lot of variety.

don't get me wrong, I like Owl City.

please don't decide that you love a band after hearing one of their songs. that's like love at first sight. which is called lust. it's like musical sin.
do some research. go beyond the disco ball that's just hanging by a thread.
discover the happy-all-the-time that is Owl City.
take another step and discover The Ready Set. similar music making technique, more variety. and they've toured with BoysLikeGirls.
and are more or less from Fort Wayne.

and that's about all I have to say about that.



I agree and disagree with you. I agree that it absolutely disgusts me when someone claims to love Owl City after only one song made it to the radio. All of a sudden, everyone is their number one fan. I disagree however when you say that they are not that good. They are amazing, but thats just me lol. I in fact have loved them from the start, not from "fireflies".

Hope said...

I definitely appreciate your agreement. But I think your disagreement comes from the way you read the words. I never said that he's "not that good." I really do like Owl City. I think Adam Young is wonderful. I just wish there was more melodic variety.

this post was not intended to offend anyone, especially those who can name more than five Owl City songs. I just wanted to express my frustration. that's what most of my posts are about. :-)

way to be a faithful fan!!